I also wrote articles on how to insert values into a table in Google Slides using Apps Script. You can find them at the following links.
This time, I combined the approaches from the above.
function setValuesToSlideTable() {
var text = `get: 得る: v.: To obtain or receive something.
take: 取る: v.: To carry or move something from one place to another.
make: 作る: v.: To create or produce something.
give: 与える: v.: To offer or hand over something to someone.`;
var values = text.split("\n");
var arrays = []
for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var row = values[i];
var cols = row.split(": ");
var array = [cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[3]];
function insertValuesIntoSelectedTable(values) {
var presentation = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();
var selection = presentation.getSelection();
var pageElement = selection.getPageElementRange().getPageElements()[0];
var table = pageElement.asTable();
var tableRows = table.getNumRows()-1;// Subtract 1 since the first row of the table is a header.
if(values.length !== tableRows) {
var diffRows = values.length - tableRows;
if(0 < diffRows) {
addRows(table, diffRows);
} else {
deleteRows(table, Math.abs(diffRows));
setValuesInTable(table, values, 1, 0);// Inserting point is the second row(index 1) and first column (index 0)
function setValuesInTable(table, values, startRow = 0, startCol = 0) {
for (var row = 0; row < values.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < values[row].length; col++) {
if (row + startRow < table.getNumRows() && col + startCol < table.getNumColumns()) {
table.getCell(row + startRow, col + startCol).getText().setText(values[row][col]);
function addRows(table, diffRows) {
for(var i = 0; i < diffRows; i++) {
function deleteRows(table, diffRows) {
for(var i = 0; i < diffRows; i++) {
table.getRow(table.getNumRows() - 1).remove();
setValuesToSlideTable() を実行すると、Code.gs内に書いたtextの値が表に入力されます。
After executing "setValuesToSlideTable()" function, the values of the text variable written in Code.gs will be inserted into the table.
一行足りない分は addRows(table, diffRows) で追加されます。
Google Slidesで現在選択している表に値を入れたい - Insert values into the active table
Google Slidesの表にSpreadsheetから値を入れたい - Insert Spreadsheet values into a Slides table
Google Slidesで現在選択している表に値を入れたい4 - Insert values into the active table4